Staff App Builds


This is the site for downloading Staff App.
For Family App, please download at this link: Family App link

iOS (iPhone)

Staff App Release

Released on: 2025-01-09 15:30
Build: 3.28
File: Staff App - IPA (for iPhone)
Minimum iOS version: 12

Installation on iPhone

  1. Access this web page on your iPhone's Safari browser
  2. Click on this link to download and install the app: Staff App - IPA (for iPhone)
  3. Launch Staff App.
  4. Perform step 5 and 6 only if you do not have Staff App already installed.
  5. After installation, grant trust to SDC Apple Certificate:
    • Settings > General > VPN & Device Management
    • Select "Sentosa Development Corporation"
    • Trust "Sentosa Development Corporation"
  6. Launch the app and allow all permissions if prompted.


Staff App Release

Released on: 2025-01-09 15:30
Build: 3.28
File: Staff App - APK (for Android)
Minimum Android version: 10

Installation on Android phone

Steps to download and install app:
  1. Access this web page on your Android phone's mobile browser (example Chrome).
  2. Click on this link to download the APK file. (always choose to overwrite previous download if prompted): Staff App - APK (for Android)
  3. After downloading, install the APK.
  4. Launch the app and allow all permissions if prompted.
  5. Perform the below steps only if you do not have Staff App already installed.
Above steps requires your Android phone to accept installation of APK from unknown sources. See following:-

For Samsung devices:
  1. Go to your phone's Settings.
  2. Go to Biometrics & security > Install unknown apps
  3. Select the browser (e.g., Chrome, Firefox, Edge) you want to download the APK files from.
  4. Toggle Allow app installs ON.
For Oppo devices:
  1. Go to your phone's Settings.
  2. Go to Device & privacy > Unknown Source Installation
  3. Select the browser (e.g., Chrome, Firefox, Edge) you want to download the APK files from.
  4. Toggle Allow app installs ON.
For other devices, steps should be similar:
  1. Go to your phone's Settings.
  2. Go to Security & privacy > More settings.
  3. Select the browser (e.g., Chrome, Firefox, Edge) you want to download the APK files from.
  4. Toggle Allow app installs ON.